We LOVE the ocean and we LOVE seafood. We enjoyed both on our two days at Ocean Shores. As you can see, we had beautiful weather, although the water was a little cold, but we always have to run in the water and let the waves chase us back. We thought it would be fun to feed the seagulls, but then got pretty freaked out by the way they swarmed us. We find ourselves squealing and diving for safety inside the car. Remember that movie The Birds? Still freaks me out.
We shopped at the gift shops where I found a new pair of sweats and sweatshirt, to replace the ratty ones that I've worn to death, which I bought there years ago. My purple sweatshirt is literally falling apart, so I was excited to finally replace it, but do you think I could throw that old one away? Nope! Still wearin it.
I hunted for my favorite vanilla perfume I bought there many years ago. I've looked around here at every store I walk into, looked online, but have been unsuccessful in finding my favorite. I found the same gift shop I remember buying it at the first time, but they didn't have it anymore. However, I found a comparable replacement. I'm SO happy. I'm not into the strong floral scents, but love the subtle food scents, especially vanilla.
My sister Cheryl and I talked a mile a minute for 5 days straight. We couldn't get enough of each other. We did take breaks to read our books or watch a movie, talking every so often. Cheryl had prepared my very own suite upstairs in her house, which not only had a TV, but a couch, a loveseat by the bed with a reading light, and also a goodie basket on the coffee table, complete with all the things I love: Fritos (my #1 favorite chip snack, a must-have daily), chocolate (of course, another must-have), gum (always chewing it), memo pad, candy, Kleenex, chap stick and lip gloss. She's the best hostess ever.
Cheryl's husband of two years is an awesome guy who adores my sister, so I love him all the more. He took us out to dinner, made morning runs for their lattes, always getting me a hot chocolate with almond flavoring (yum), would shut himself in the bedroom when he sensed we needed some alone time, and was just a gem.
I was able to sneek in a visit with my brother one day too.
It was the most relaxing, enjoyable vacation ever. I only had myself to worry about. Should I feel guilty about that? I can't tell you how many people questioned me about going on a vacation by myself, surprised that I would do it. What's wrong with that? It felt good.
It's always nice to get home though, especially to my own bed. But I must admit, that after only being home for 2 days, I can't help but dream and start planning our next sister get-away.