Friday, November 12, 2010

The Best Sleep

When I was young, I remember visiting my Aunt and Uncle one day and they were anxious to show our family their separate, newly painted bedrooms. I was disturbed that they were happy to be in separate rooms. I feared their marriage was in trouble. It wasn't, nor is it.

Now, many years later, I understand. I have discovered that when my husband is out of town, and I have the bed all to myself, I sleep SO much better. Usually, I am up at least 3 times a night. I get so used to it that it just seems normal. Then when he's gone, I sometimes sleep the entire night without waking up, and the other nights, I'm up just once (to visit the restroom). I have been amazed at how good I feel the next day after sleep like that.

I don't feel bad for saying I like having my bed to myself. It's not about my relationship with my husband at all. It's only about sleep.

Will we be painting another room anytime soon? Most likely not. Earplugs may be all I need.


  1. I agree 100%. I may be crazy in love with my husband, but running a close second is my crazy love for a queen-sized bed that I get all to myself.

  2. We have had separate bedrooms for a while now. We love it. We are on kind of opposite sleep schedules, so for that reason alone it's great. Sleeping in separate rooms doesn't mean anything has to suffer. It just means you get to choose to spend time together instead of forcing it.

    And it's wonderful when we're arguing -- let's not kid ourselves.
