Thursday, July 29, 2010


I got to spend some wonderful one-on-one time with my 21 month old granddaughter, Hailey, last night and this morning. She was here til bedtime, then she and I drove to her house in Eagle Mountain so she could sleep in her own bed, then back this direction this morning to drop her off at Breanne's so I could go to work.

That little girl was so happy and jabbered the entire time. It wouldn't have surprised me, had she continued talking in her sleep. We talked, sang songs, read stories, cuddled, and shared kisses.

You do not tend grandchildren, expecting to have a relaxing time. You don't get "breaks", including potty breaks. She reminded me of my own children following me EVERYWHERE! When it's your is NEVER annoying. Every moment is precious time.

During our 40 min. drive back this direction today, she said to me "sing it Gma", so not knowing what song she had in her head, I started singing The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round, and she started giggling hysterically. I didn't know if I was singing off-key, or had the words wrong, or the verses mixed up or what, but she couldn't stop giggling, then like shutting off a faucet, sobered and proceeded to sing a solo of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, then I Am A Child Of God, then the ABCs. That was the most enjoyable trip I've taken in a long time, and ya know what song is stuck in my head now, thinking of this sweet little girl? You Are My Sunshine!


  1. I am eagerly anticipating the time when this will be my experience with my grandkids. It's probably still a few years off, and I'll wait patiently.

    But I will be happy when it arrives.

  2. I am so excited for the grandma period. :)

  3. Reading this I can't help but smile.
