Monday, August 30, 2010


Sometimes life and my current responsibilities tend to weigh me down. This past weekend was a particularly difficult one for me and I allowed myself to sink into despair, and maybe even a bit of self-pity. I wondered how I would ever pull myself out, but I didn't have to. Others did it for me. Today, while sitting at my desk engrossed in my typing, a little voice said "HI g-MA" and I look at the doorway to my office to see the sweetest little granddaughter's face, lit up with a smile that would melt anyone's heart, let alone mine. All the gloom immediately left me, as that little girl RAN over to me and jumped up into my lap. I have been feeling much better ever since. It's magic!

To make my day even better, one of my sons put away the dishes from the dishwasher...get this...are you ready?...WITHOUT BEING ASKED!!! Magic!

To complete my day, my daughter-in-law made cookies for me to take to our neighborhood potluck tonight, bailing me out of having to scramble and make something last minute after getting home from work. AND...she also asked if she could make dinner for us tomorrow night. Umm, didn't take me long to say "yes please". Magic!

All the things that have been hanging over my head like a thick fog, pressing down on me, weighing me down like a ton of bricks, have all receded today with these three simple things that took place in my normal routine of a day. It doesn't take much, and yet it's HUGE and means the world to me.



  1. So glad the magic was there when you needed it. You've spread plenty of magic in your time.

    You have great kids!

  2. So glad I could do something to help out :)

  3. You find healing magic in simple moments. That says a lot about you. And Robin is right. You've delivered mountains of magic.
